I attended a wedding today. I have been to many wedding before but none like this. The family of the groom and the bride were gently intermingled as if everyone was a friend to each other. Despite the fact that I knew no one except for the bride and groom I immediately felt very welcome. The pastor told the story of Adam and Eve. There was the mention of how a single rib was removed in order to create woman, but then he took it one step further. He spoke of how that missing rib makes man vulnerable. It is that vulnerability that should be exposed and open to woman. He can draw closer to her for strength. She in turn can also find comfort, strength, and safety in him. Wow! We definitely miss that interpretation when it is read. Both can find love and peace at the feet of Jesus. Always. This is intimacy in its purest form, which is why they were naked and unashamed (in the Garden).
While they were speaking their vows, I noticed a couple in front of me. They were older with an empty seat between them and they were holding hands. Not just holding but caressing hands. They were at the age where most stop holding hands and making gently connections. But, this appeared to be an effortless practice. The simplicity of the act added to the love already present in the room.
Each of the brothers of the groom spoke kind and generous words with a sensitivity that moved them and the guests to tears. Genuine joy in the face of their brother's new union. Then I sat with strangers. Three couples. We had an amazing conversation that spanned education, social work, school, vacations, and genuine interest in each other. I observed as each partner took care of the person next to them. Not for show, but because this is what they always do. I left a table of new found friends.
I have never attended a wedding and experienced this. And that speaks volumes in the lack of words I can find for that observation.Because I cannot understand why.
Love exists at the feet of God. It exists for those who are willing to drop their emotional junk and trust someone else. Trusting another with your heart is not easy, but everyone I met today has accomplished just that with ease and consistency. If you have not experienced this with your family, friends, or relationships, then it is something to strive for. But at the wedding God was definitely first. And it made all the difference in the world.